Tips On How To Train Your Dog NOT To Pee On Carpet

No one wants to have a dog that regularly pees on their carpets. After all, dog urine is not a pleasant smell. Along with this, it can be very difficult to remove and to get rid of the smell as it sinks in. Because of this, it is best to avoid getting pee on the carpet, to begin with. However, you might be wondering how to go about training your dog to not pee on the carpet in the first place. Below, we will be going over some tips to do just that.

Tips To Train Your Dog To Not Pee On Carpet:

Keep Track Of Peeing Habits

One of the main things that you will want to do when you are addressing this issue is to keep everything organized. By being 100% organized, you will give yourself much greater chances of success. Track every time your dog goes to the bathroom. This will give you a good idea of how often he or she needs to go and when you should go about taking them.

Take Your Dog For Walks

One of the biggest mistakes owners make is not taking their dog for regular walks when they need to go. This can include times throughout the day they will really need to relieve themselves including but not limited to the time period right after waking up, right after eating, and prior to going to sleep.

Don’t Punish

While your first instinct might be to punish your dog after he or she makes a mistake on the carpet, you want to avoid this entirely. This is an ineffective way to teach your dog how to go to the bathroom properly. Negative reinforcement is not the way to go about getting your dog to understand. Not only does punishing your dog after the fact not help, but it could encourage them to become even timider around you. Instead, you want to offer praise when they manage to go pee outside. Every time your dog goes to the bathroom outside, you should offer them verbal praise and rewards they love whether it be a toy or food.

Clean The Right Way

Another common mistake that some people make is not cleaning the carpet right way. In order to discourage your dog from relieving his or herself again on your carpet, you want to clean the carpet completely. The best way to do this is by using a mixture of white vinegar. That way, you will be able to clean using a natural ingredient that is not going to harm your dog, yet you will be able to remove the odor completely.

Verbal Commands

If you want your dog to stay off of the carpet and to get them to avoid peeing on the carpet, you can catch them when they are about to do it and give them a verbal command to stop. This will allow them to understand that peeing on the carpet is not a good thing. This is a very hard thing to do because timing is everything. It can be difficult giving a verbal command as they are about to do something like peeing on your carpet. However, if you manage to watch your dog closely, this can be a good way to tell your dog it’s not acceptable.

Overall, there are plenty of things that you can do to train your dog to not pee on your carpet. The key is ensuring that you are taking your dog outside enough to relieve him or herself. This way, they don’t have a need for peeing on your carpet, to begin with.